Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dream With A Vision

Question: Are Dreams Relates Your Ambition In Life?
“Dream with a Vision, Live with a Purpose”

Dream Manifestations Images
                Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., dreaming with a vision and living with a purpose is not just for adults. I am Diphda Jardinico, 16 years old, a daughter and a sister. But, that’s not all I am. I am a young woman trying to make a world a better place with one smile at a time. I live to spread joy and laughter whenever and wherever I can. And I know I couldn’t do this without totally believing in my purpose and in my dreams. And like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believes, “purpose does not discriminating.” It doesn’t matter if you’re 16 like me, 9 or 29, poor or rich, black or white, Filipino, African, American, or Hispanic. We are all born with a purpose. Dr. King was born to lead and inspire. But he obviously didn’t did it extremely well. And I was born to entertain. You may have the purpose to heal, teach or parent. The least is endless. But you may not know your scheme. And I’m sure that some of you were thinking. Well, I don’t know what my purpose is. And my answer to you is that is completely okay. Some people find this earlier, and some take longer. Just know whatever it may be, you do have a purpose. It most likely is something you love. Something you’re passion about. Something that makes you strives for more. And keep in mind, once you do find your purpose, it may not be the most popular one. Like Dr. King, people may want to stop you from your vision. You may want to be musician or a singer. But your parents want you to be a doctor or a lawyer. I want to be a dancer and I know my parents worry about that choice. Believe it or not, someone actually told me to just stop. But where would we be if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t inspire the world or Abraham Lincoln didn’t become a president, or Michael Jackson didn’t invent the moonwalk. You can’t let others intimidate you from what you know is right for you. No matter how many distracters rise up? You have to stay focus in your purpose. Knowing your purpose is enlightening. With no direction, you’re completely lost. With direction, you radiate. You have determination for your destination. And with this new conquers age, you can live your dreams and change the world. No matter how old you are or the colour of your skin. By: Diphda Jardinico

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dreams Conversion To Numbers

First Part:

Old Folks make note of their dreams. What they dream and event happening to their dreams. Early morning while taking coffee at the local cafe; they conveyed to a friend what was the meaning of last night dream. Conveying and analyzing the dreams results to conversion into numbers. Where the dream conversion comes and what is the origin? For sure it is numerology but how they formulate the things involving their dreams into numbers. I really do not know the answer and nobody can tell me who made the conversion.

Getting to asked questions among the most elderly folks, presumption evolve that the compilation of the so-called "Dreambook" was either invented by the early days people who were operating a numbered games. This numbered were called on our dialect as "Daily Double" or most popularly called in Tagalog as "Hueteng". Nowadays, this numbered games were considered illegal due to none payment of taxes to the government. It is illegal to protect the government's owned numbered games (Small Town Lottery) and the Lottery. The old "Dreambook" still in use today for the STL using the same number range as what the "Daily Double" were using.

Hereunder, the scanned copy of the "Original Dreambook" and a reproduction for everyone engaged and try their luck. Betting the hueteng or STL they can readily convert their dream event into numbers.
You've just stumbled upon my ultimate lucid dreaming resource, based on inducing thousands of extraordinary lucid dreams of my own-Click HERE!

These "Dreambook" More than 100+years old the front page missing
due to age.
Page 1.

Pages 2 & 3
Pages 4 & 5
Pages 6 & 7

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dream Images

Being Caught In A Tornado

        This symbol points to emotional turmoil, as in a
"whirlwind of emotions"; and/or rapid or sudden changes in
your life. It is a sign to "get a grip" on what is possibly
spinning out of control & deal more effectively with your
emotions. Meditation and finding some private "think time"
for yourself would be a good idea.

Being Naked

        Dreaming that you are completely or partially naked is
very common. Nudity symbolizes a variety of things
depending on your real life situation.
Becoming mortified at the realization that you are
walking around naked in public is often a reflection of your
vulnerability or shamefulness. You may be hiding
something and are afraid that others can nevertheless see
right through you. Metaphorically clothes are a means of
concealment. With clothes, you can hide your identity or be
someone else. But without them, everything is hanging out
for all to see. You are left without any defenses.

        The dream may telling you that you are trying to be
something that you really are not. Or that you are fearful
of being ridiculed and disgraced. If you are in a new
relationship, you may have some fears or apprehension in
revealing your true feelings.

        Nudity also symbolizes being caught off guard.
Finding yourself naked at work or in a classroom, suggests
that you are unprepared for a project at work or school.
You may be uninformed in making a well-formed decision.
With all eyes on you, you have this fear of having some
deed brought to public attention. You fear that people will
see through your true self and you will be exposed as a
fraud or a phony.

        Many times, when you realize that you are naked
in your dream, no one else seems to notice. Everyone else
in the dream is going about their business without giving a
second look at your nakedness. This implies that your fears
are unfounded; no one will notice except you. You may be
magnifying the situation and making an issue of nothing.
On the other hand, such dreams may mean your desire (or
failure) to get noticed.

        For a small percentage of you, dreaming that you
are proud of your nakedness and show no embarrassment
or shame, then it symbolizes your unrestricted freedom.
You have nothing to hide and are proud of who you are.
The dream is about a new sense of honesty, openness, and
a carefree nature. With continuation...   atj
If you want to live the life you´ve always dreamed of by escaping the harsh events of reality, then this is the most important page you will EVER read-Click HERE!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dream Images: Flying

        Dreams about flying usually represent freedom from
the physical body, as we experience in sleep & while
dreaming where we don't use our physical bodies but
instead use our mental & spiritual bodies to experience our
dreams. It's one of the first things people attempt to do
when they gain control of their dreams and start lucid
        Everybody seems to have a natural inclination to want
to fly, unless that is changed by a fear of flying due to a
frightening incident in their waking lives. Flying = freedom;
either a desire for freedom, an "escape" from restraints in
your physical life (like a mini-vacation for the mind) or any
number of possibilities.

        Tie it in with the context of your dream...what were
you doing in your dream besides flying? How did it make
you feel? Also, the type of flying here is the person flying
on their own without an airplane or any aircraft at all. That
would be a different symbol dealing with spiritual
awareness, among other things.
Flying dreams fall under a category of dreams where
you become aware that you are dreaming, known as lucid
dreaming. Many dreamers have described the ability to fly
in their dreams as an exhilarating, joyful, and liberating

        If you are flying with ease and enjoying the scene and
landscape below, then it suggests that you are on top of a
situation. You have risen above something. It may also
mean that you have gained a different perspective on
things. Flying dreams and the ability to control your flight is
representative of your own personal sense of power.
Having difficulties staying in flight indicates a lack of
power in controlling your own circumstances. You may be
struggling to stay aloft and stay on course. Things like
power lines, trees, or mountains may further obstruct your
flight. These barriers represent a particular obstacle or
person who is standing in your way in your waking life. You
need to identify who or what is hindering you from moving

        If you are feeling fear when you are flying or that
you feel that you are flying too high then it suggests that
you are afraid of challenges and of success.

In reality, we do not have the ability to fly. Thus
such dreams may represent that which is beyond our
physical limitations. In your mind, you can be anybody and
do anything. Another way of interpreting flying dreams is
that these dreams symbolize your strong mind and will.

        You feel undefeatable and nobody can tell you what you
cannot do and accomplish. Undoubtedly these dreams
leave you a great sense of freedom.

         Being Caught In A Tornado

        This symbol points to emotional turmoil, as in a
"whirlwind of emotions"; and/or rapid or sudden changes in
your life. It is a sign to "get a grip" on what is possibly
spinning out of control & deal more effectively with your
emotions. Meditation and finding some private "think time"
for yourself would be a good idea.
         To be continued on Dream Images...   atj

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Common Dream Images


        One very important thing to keep in mind is to interpret
symbols within the context of the dream they appear in,
rather than piece by piece which would leave too much room
for error. There are thousands of symbols, and it depends
upon the context of one's own personal dream as to what
they all mean for him/her.

        Look at it this way...a dream is like a puzzle, and
although there are several pieces that are quickly pieced
together because they are so obvious, the puzzle isn't
complete until all the pieces are placed together bit by bit.
Then you have the complete picture...until then, you'll only
have disjointed images that don't add up to anything
coherent, and you'll still be confused.

        So please remember that and try not to piecemeal a
dream...it needs to be fully interpreted or it will most likely
be totally wrong.
Let’s look at some of the more common dream images
and what they could mean.

  • Teeth Falling Out

        This is probably the most prevalent dream image that
people report. It is disturbing to them because it affects
vanity and personal appearance – but only in the dream! a
dream about one's teeth falling out usually symbolizes that
the dreamer is having a challenge getting their voice
heard, or feelings acknowledged.

        This may be referring to their conversations with a
particular person such as their significant other, boss, or
friend; or can be generalized for people who are shy, to
include almost everyone they come in contact with.
The dreamer needs to brush up on conversational
skills, believe in the value of their own opinion, and learn
how to be less intimidated by aggressive people, and
become more assertive and make their voice heard. Once
they do that, this dream (which is a common recurring
dream) should evolve & show improvement...or disappear
        Another theory is that dreams about your teeth reflect
your anxiety about your appearance and how others
perceive you. Sadly, we live in a world where good looks
are valued highly and your teeth play an important role in
conveying that image. Teeth are used in the game of
flirtations, whether it is a dazzling and gleaming smile or
affectionate necking. These dreams may stem from a fear
of your sexual impotence or the consequences of getting
old. Teeth are an important feature of our attractiveness
and presentation to others. Everybody worries about how
they appear to others. Caring about our appearance is
natural and healthy.

        There are cultural interpretations of this type of dream
as well. A scriptural interpretation for bad or falling teeth
indicate that you are putting your faith, trust, and beliefs
in what man thinks rather than in the word of God. The
bible says that God speaks once, yea twice in a dream or a
vision in order to hide pride from us, to keep us back from
the pit, to open our ears (spiritually) and to instruct and
correct us.

        In the Greek culture, when you dream about
loose, rotten, or missing teeth, it indicates that a family
member or close friend is very sick or even near death.
Note: In addition to this, I have experienced several occasion of
          dreaming that my tooth was falling and our relative died. This
          happened not only once but several times. I purely believed
          that this is true. A week ago my daughter had a Dream that
          her tooth was also falling and three days later my cousin living
          in Australia had died. Not only a coincidence but it is a real truth
          regarding this theory. My first information about this comes from
          my 84 year old mother who is currently bed ridden for 6 years of
          her sickness.

        According to the Chinese, there is a saying that
your teeth will fall out if you are telling lies.
        It has also been said that if you dream of your
teeth falling out, then it symbolizes money. This is based
on the old tooth fairy story. If you lose a tooth and leave it
under the pillow, a tooth fairy would bring you money.
         To be continued......    atj

Friday, November 18, 2011


        Interpreting your dreams can be a lot of fun. As we’ve
said, it can also give you valuable insight. Dreams are like
coded messages from your unconscious mind. When you
decode them, you gain access to a wealth of intuitive

        Remember that only you can interpret your dreams.
Many people have published "Dream Dictionaries" that
describe what each part of the dream symbolizes. Actually,
the same dream can have infinite meanings, depending on
the person who dreamed it. The important thing is, what
does it mean to YOU?

        Interpreting dreams isn’t something you can pick up
and become an expert at right away. It takes time and
practice. First, keep the following things in mind:

• Dreams are the reaction of the inner self to daytime
activity and often show the way out of the dilemma. So
relate them to current activity, because dreams may be
retrospective as well as prospective.

• Observe carefully recurrent dreams, as well as the
serially progressive ones. These often illustrate
progress or failure.

• Be practical in your interpretations. Always look first for
a lesson. What have you refused to face or been

• Dreams come to guide and help, not to amuse. They
direct your attention to errors of omission and
commission and offer encouragement for right
endeavors. They also give us the opportunity to pray
for others and to help them bear their burdens.

• Look for past-life experiences in your dreams. These
manifest themselves not only in color, but in the proper
costume and setting of their period. They come to warn
you against repeating the same old mistakes; to
explain your relationship and reactions to certain
people and places; to reduce your confusions; to
enable you to better understand life.

• Dreams that are unchanged through the years indicate
the dreamer's resistance to change.
The difficulty most people have with interpreting their
own dreams is that they aren't objective enough. Their
familiarity with the people and places in their dreams
obscures the dreams meaning. Experts have come up with
the “I AM and I NEED” formula, devised to overcome this.
Here's how it works.

        Once you have your dream written on paper, get two
different colored pens. Using one color, underline every
negative word or phrase in the dream which indicates
limitation, disrespect, containment, avoidance or damage.
Using the other color, underline every positive word or
phrase. You now make two lists. List the negative words and
phrases under a column titled I AM. List the positive words
and phrases under a column titled I NEED. You are almost
ready to interpret your dream.

        Determine the subject matter of the dream. The
location where the dream takes place is one of the best
methods for doing this. When you have determined the
subject matter take each of the phrases or words in the 'I
AM' column and fit them into the following sentence.
When it comes to my (subject matter) I AM (phrase or
Change the phrase or keyword slightly to force the
sentence to make sense. If you cannot determine the
subject matter apply the keywords to yourself in general.
This exercise tells you how you feel or react to the subject
matter of the dream. When you have done this read through
the 'I NEED' column to learn what you must do to correct
the problem. To get the meaning put each of the phrases or
keywords into the sentence,
When it comes to my (subject matter) I NEED (phrase
or keyword)
Let's take an example. Using the sentence 'The dead
woman lay on the cold hard slab'. The negative keywords
are; dead, cold and hard. Women, in dreams, can represent
emotions so in this case the sentences constructed would be
When it comes to my emotions I am dead.
When it comes to my emotions I am cold.
When it comes to my emotions I am hard.
The meaning is obvious. With analyzing just one
sentence from a dream we have learned a lot about the
dreamer. Using this technique you now have all of the
information you need to start interpreting your dreams.
However it takes practice to be able to apply what you have
learned. Be patient with your efforts.

        Not all dream interpretations will be that cut and dried,
but it is a way to remain objective when you are analyzing
what your dreams mean and how best to put the messages
they are conveying to good use in your life.
Keep in mind that Most dreams are * NOT *
precognitive, and once one learns the subtle differences
between a precognitive dream versus a regular dream, they
are easily discernable and will put your mind at ease.
The first thing everyone should consider is the typical
universal symbology of the dream images. For instance,
death symbolizes the end of something that's ready for
change, and a new beginning. Most people start out highly
resistive to changes of any sort, and see any upcoming
change in their life as something foreboding and scary.
Death dreams are usually about change.

        The symbols and what they represent is the most
fascinating part of dream interpretation. There are literally
hundreds of them. We don’t have the space to address ALL
of them, but we will touch on some of the most recurring
themes in dreams as well as the symbols of those dreams
and what they mean.


        When beginning the steps towards interpreting your
dreams, many people find it helpful to keep a notebook – a
dream journal, if you will – right next to your bed with a pen
or pencil. As soon as you are physically able, begin your

        Write down your dream as soon as you remember it.
Write down everything you remember, even if it doesn't
make sense. Most often, the parts that don't make sense or
are out of place are the most valuable. Every detail, even
the minutest element in your dream is important and must
be considered when analyzing your dreams. Look closely at
the characters, animals, objects, places, emotions, and even
color and numbers that are depicted in your dreams.

        Ask yourself, "What does this remind me of?" Write
down the first thing that comes to your mind. This will likely
be the real situation in your life that is symbolized in the
dream. What did that real-life situation make you feel like?
If this is the same feeling represented in your dream, you're
on the right track. Often when there is more than one part
to your dream (more than one story line) that usually means
there are two things your subconscious is trying to tell you.

        Remember that we have between four and seven
dreams per night. If you wake up from a dream, write it
down. Don’t roll over and go back to sleep. If you don’t
write it down, you’ll never remember it in the morning! At
the very least, you can jot down the basic premise of the
dream and go back in the morning to fill in the rest of the
details such as feelings, etc.

        Suggest to yourself every night as you fall asleep, "I
will remember my dreams." Say this over and over. Your
sub-conscious will act on this subtle suggestion. Practice
keen observation in your dreams through self-suggestion
prior to sleep. When a problem confronts you, you might
want to ask by prayer for guidance to be sent to you
through your dreams.

        Trust your instincts! If something seems important, it
probably is. Try not to let your logical side take over.
So you’ve got your dreams down on paper. Where do
you go next? The next step would be interpretation.   atj