Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dream With A Vision

Question: Are Dreams Relates Your Ambition In Life?
“Dream with a Vision, Live with a Purpose”

Dream Manifestations Images
                Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., dreaming with a vision and living with a purpose is not just for adults. I am Diphda Jardinico, 16 years old, a daughter and a sister. But, that’s not all I am. I am a young woman trying to make a world a better place with one smile at a time. I live to spread joy and laughter whenever and wherever I can. And I know I couldn’t do this without totally believing in my purpose and in my dreams. And like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believes, “purpose does not discriminating.” It doesn’t matter if you’re 16 like me, 9 or 29, poor or rich, black or white, Filipino, African, American, or Hispanic. We are all born with a purpose. Dr. King was born to lead and inspire. But he obviously didn’t did it extremely well. And I was born to entertain. You may have the purpose to heal, teach or parent. The least is endless. But you may not know your scheme. And I’m sure that some of you were thinking. Well, I don’t know what my purpose is. And my answer to you is that is completely okay. Some people find this earlier, and some take longer. Just know whatever it may be, you do have a purpose. It most likely is something you love. Something you’re passion about. Something that makes you strives for more. And keep in mind, once you do find your purpose, it may not be the most popular one. Like Dr. King, people may want to stop you from your vision. You may want to be musician or a singer. But your parents want you to be a doctor or a lawyer. I want to be a dancer and I know my parents worry about that choice. Believe it or not, someone actually told me to just stop. But where would we be if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t inspire the world or Abraham Lincoln didn’t become a president, or Michael Jackson didn’t invent the moonwalk. You can’t let others intimidate you from what you know is right for you. No matter how many distracters rise up? You have to stay focus in your purpose. Knowing your purpose is enlightening. With no direction, you’re completely lost. With direction, you radiate. You have determination for your destination. And with this new conquers age, you can live your dreams and change the world. No matter how old you are or the colour of your skin. By: Diphda Jardinico

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dreams Conversion To Numbers

First Part:

Old Folks make note of their dreams. What they dream and event happening to their dreams. Early morning while taking coffee at the local cafe; they conveyed to a friend what was the meaning of last night dream. Conveying and analyzing the dreams results to conversion into numbers. Where the dream conversion comes and what is the origin? For sure it is numerology but how they formulate the things involving their dreams into numbers. I really do not know the answer and nobody can tell me who made the conversion.

Getting to asked questions among the most elderly folks, presumption evolve that the compilation of the so-called "Dreambook" was either invented by the early days people who were operating a numbered games. This numbered were called on our dialect as "Daily Double" or most popularly called in Tagalog as "Hueteng". Nowadays, this numbered games were considered illegal due to none payment of taxes to the government. It is illegal to protect the government's owned numbered games (Small Town Lottery) and the Lottery. The old "Dreambook" still in use today for the STL using the same number range as what the "Daily Double" were using.

Hereunder, the scanned copy of the "Original Dreambook" and a reproduction for everyone engaged and try their luck. Betting the hueteng or STL they can readily convert their dream event into numbers.
You've just stumbled upon my ultimate lucid dreaming resource, based on inducing thousands of extraordinary lucid dreams of my own-Click HERE!

These "Dreambook" More than 100+years old the front page missing
due to age.
Page 1.

Pages 2 & 3
Pages 4 & 5
Pages 6 & 7